Adopt-a-Park Project – Monterey Rec Trail
Adopt-a-Park Project – Monterey Rec Trail
Park your car near the basketball courts and walk south on the trail, past the courts, to find our bayside work area.
Park your car near the basketball courts and walk south on the trail, past the courts, to find our bayside work area.
Once a month, the Monterey Kiwanis Club helps distribute food to families in the parking lot of the Marina Library. Additional help is always appreciated! Please just show up by 8:30 a.m. and lend a hand.
Monterey Kiwanis has a long tradition of helping to distribute plants at the City of Monterey's annual "Horticultural Faire." Arrive at 8:30 a.m. (Best parking is in the lot behind Colton Hall.) The event officially opens at 9:00 a.m. We will be out of there by noon.
Park your car near the basketball courts and walk south on the trail, past the courts, to find our bayside work area.