Thank you!
The 2024 TaylorMade/Pebble Beach Invitational Golf Tournament is successfully behind us, thanks to the support of more than 300 volunteers who came out to help us.
This tournament is by far our largest fundraising opportunity of the year! Every November, our Club recruits and manages volunteers who serve as course marshals, score keepers, van drivers, and more. Simply put, their work makes the tournament run smoothly. In exchange for the critical role the Club and our volunteers play, the Pebble Beach Foundation makes a substantial contribution to the Kiwanis Club of Monterey Foundation.
Without the funds this golf tournament provides, we wouldn’t be able to support youth groups on the Peninsula, award generous college scholarships, or fund most of the good work we do.
Thank you!
Next Up: Concession Tent at the AT&T
We’ll be out at Spyglass Hill during the upcoming AT&T Pro-Am (January 27 to February 2, 2025) working in a busy concession tent. This is another great opportunity to raise funds for all of the good work the Kiwanis Club of Monterey does in the community.
More details will be posted here soon.
Welcome to the
Kiwanis Club of Monterey
Get connected with the community
Participate in a variety of volunteer projects
Support programs for children and youth on the Monterey Peninsula
Meet a lot of great people doing good things
Make a difference
The Kiwanis Club of Monterey works all year to raise funds that we then use in multiple charitable ways. Our projects include:
- Funding the activities of Key Clubs in local high schools
- Awarding generous college scholarships
- Distributing books for children to keep through elementary schools and little free libraries
- Providing financial support to scouting groups
- Funding special projects as requested by organizations within the community
We also:
- Help beautify our coastline by participating in the city’s Adopt-a-Park program
- Provide staff for city events such as First Night Monterey and the annual horticultural fair (AKA “Cutting Day”) held in Friendly Plaza every March.
- Participate in various Monterey County Food Bank distribution efforts
Our club meets on Wednesdays, twice per month at lunchtime and once per month for dinner, usually with an invited speaker from the community. Check our calendar for the latest details.
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By liking the club’s page and then liking the things you see us post, not only will you be reminded of all the good things we are doing, but you will also help us reach more people.
Use this link, or search for “Kiwanis Club of Monterey” the next time you log onto Facebook.
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